Gold with Red

So imagine my surprise when I saw that my blog was nominated for this award. At first, I didn’t know what to say and I may even be too late to follow through with it but I haven’t won anything in my life before so I didn’t see the purpose to even try. However, after thinking about it, I realized it isn’t so much about winning but acknowledging that your blog was noticed and that people actually read what you write. So I officially accept the nomination from Euranique Bailey and will proceed with the rules of the award.

The rules of this award:

1. Acknowledge the blog who nominated you and display the award.
2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger gives you.
3. Give 11 random facts about yourself.
4. Nominate 11 blogs.
5. Notify those blogs of the nomination.
6. Give them 11 questions to answer.

11 Questions which were given:

  • What are your favorite books?

Thrillers, action, drama, suspense I really do not like romance novels

  • After a long day, what do you do to relax?

Anything I feel like doing at the time which includes laying down in the dark doing absolutely nothing

  • If your house was on fire and you could only save one thing what would it be?

My handbag…everthing is in it anyways

  • If you could build your own partner( wife, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend) from scratch what would they be like?

They would be someone who listens to me, make me laugh, talk as much as I do, encourages, supports and never underestimate me and of course tall dark and handsome

  • Which movie can you watch over and over and not get bored?

Twilight duh!

  • Pen or Pencil? and why?

Pen…forces me to actually think before I write…white out is messy and I have slight OCD

  • What’s your pet peeve?

I don’t have a pet peeve…I have many but if I had to name a few; annoying people, having to repeat myself multiple times, touching the inside handle of the bathroom door knowing that someone just wiped and touched it to come out and someone taking up something that belongs to me and not returning it in the same condition and to the exact position it was taken from.

  • What is your greatest fear?

That I will end up alone

  • If you had a chance for a “do-over” in life, what would you do differently?

Not let so many people in…it drains your energy

  • If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?

Legos Nigeria…I want to practice my African accent to see if anyone would figure out I’m not a native

  • What do you want your tombstone to say?

Doesn’t matter, I won’t be around to read it. I guess my name will suffice.

11 Random Facts About Me:

  1. I’m not a morning person AT ALL
  2. I love sleeping
  3. Ever since I figured out I had rhythm, I don’t need alcohol to stimulate dancing anymore
  4. I love stationary so it bugs me when I’m not in school to use them
  5. I started writing when I bought my first journal when I was about 10
  6. I ran out of facts but will probably figure out the interesting stuff as soon as I publish this post
  7. I am most confident when my hair and nails are done
  8. I appreciate and look out for people way more than most do for me and I never learn
  9. I love nature
  10. When it rains all I wanna do is sleep
  11. I think about death way too much

Questions For My Nominees:

  1. Why do you write
  2. If you could say something to your younger self to prepare you for life now, what would it be
  3. How many times do you have to make a mistake for you to actually learn from it
  4. Piercings or tattoos
  5. Hardcover or paperback
  6. Is ignorance really bliss
  7. Who is your favorite author
  8. What was the last book you read
  9. Who or what motivates you
  10. What is your best attribute
  11. Home-cooked or take-out

My Nominees Are: (I do not have 11 nominees sorry lol)

